TxMET How-To
TxMET Users Manual
Texas Meetings & Events Tracking (TxMet) is a compilation of information shared by Texas DMO subscribers for association/corporate meetings, sporting events and tour operators that meet in Texas.
TxMET is available to TACVB's Texas members-only for an annual fee of $750 per DMO (March - April). TxMET is provided to TACVB members in partnership with Tempest.
How To Access TxMET
To access TxMET, please visit txmet.idss.com. Save this link to your favorites, and/or include a shortcut on your desktop.
Enter your TxMET login information. An initial username and password is supplied by the TxMET Administrator. Both are case sensitive. You will then be taken to the TxMET Home Page.
If you forget your username or password, just click on the handy links at the login screen and they will be emailed to you.
To change your password, once inside the TxMET system, go to “Change My Info” at the top of the screen. On the next screen type your new password into the "Set Password" field, retype to confirm, and click on “Save Changes”. Please keep track of your new password.
TxMET Helpful Hints
- Your username and password are case sensitive
- Enter data as completely as possible
- No abbreviations
- Do not enter dates in the meeting title or name (2014 Annual Conference)
- Enter the date in dd/mm/yyyy (01/11/2015) format
- Changes/updates are immediately reflected in the system.
TxMET Policies & Reporting
Who must report?
All TxMET subscribers are required to submit, in a timely manner, information regarding meetings held and future bookings for their cities.
TxMET Meetings/Events are reportable if:
- The meeting uses 10 or more rooms on the peak night.
- It meets in only in Texas or is a regional/national meeting that includes Texas.
- It is held on a regularly scheduled basis. (Do not report a meeting that takes place only one time.)
- It can meet in more than two cities in Texas. (Do not report a meeting that takes place only in your city or alternates only 2 cities.)
When should I report bookings?
Any meetings/events that become definite for your city should be reported within 60 days of booking.
When should I report meeting histories that have been held?
Rules for TxMET subscribers are clear. Reports must be submitted no later than 60 days after the meeting/event has concluded. For example, a report for a meeting that ended January 14th is due March 14th.
What are the consequences if I do not enter all my histories on time?
If your bureau does not enter histories, the bookings in the system for your city will be deemed delinquent. If your bureau does not remedy its delinquencies, it can be locked out of the system.
What if I am unable to collect meeting/event information on time?
When it becomes apparent a report cannot be completed by the deadline, the member should notify the TxMET Administrator (TACVB). The deadline for the meeting/event history may be extended 30 days, preventing the bureau name from appearing on the delinquency list or being locked out of the system.
How do I deal with a delinquent booking if:
- I cannot retrieve information from the hotel/meeting planner?
- The meeting picked up less than 10 rooms on peak?
- Meeting/event that was cancelled?
- Go into the record for this organization (Scroll down to the Booking field, click on “Edit”
- In the Miscellaneous field, choose “Meeting cancelled for this city” or “Booking did not meet reporting criteria”
- Type in the notes field the reason for status change
- Click on “Save Changes”
What are the Convention Calendar Audits?
In order to ensure that the TxMET database is comprehensive, subscribers must submit their convention calendar to the TxMET Administrator (TACVB) for review in February each year. The calendar is then compared with future bookings that have been added to the TxMET system.
Viewing Records
How do I search for an Organization?
From the Home Page, click "Search" or the "Edit" Tab. This takes you to the Organization List, which is knows as the Index Page. On the Index (main) page, you can sort the listings by ID Number, Name, City, Active Status or Acronym. There are up and down arrows next to each listing. Click on the arrow (up or down, accordingly) to sort the information alphabetically by organization name or city and numerically by ID number.
On the Index page, type in a key word in the box next to “Search”. Click on the “Search” key, or hit the "Enter" key. This will take you to a listing of all of the organizations that use that key word. Select the organization that you would like to view, and click on “Edit”. Or, double click the selection. This will bring you to the organization’s Headquarters Information Page.
What is a TxMET Organization Code or Meeting Code?
It is a system-generated code that the TxMET system assigns to each organization and meeting record. It is a combination of the first two letters of the first word and six numbers. You can find the code next to the organization and meeting names. If you have the meeting code on a delinquency report and wish to find the organization name, search using the code or choose to search by meeting.
How can I search for a Meeting?
Scroll through the organizations by clicking on different page numbers (at the bottom of the screen) or by clicking on “Next 20”. This will show you the page by page listings.
On the Index page (the main page), you can sort the listings by ID number, Name of organization, City, Active status or Acronym. There are up and down arrows next to each listing. Click on the arrow (up or down) to sort the information alphabetically by organization name or city and numerically by ID number.
How can I view a History?
Do a search for the appropriate organization in the system. Select the organization and press “Edit”. To view a History, scroll down to the Meetings field of the entry click on “Edit”. This takes you to the Meetings Information Page. Scroll down to the history section, and select the year you would like to view, click on “Edit."
How can I view a Booking?
Do a search for the appropriate organization in the system. Select the organization and double click, or click on “Edit”. To view a Booking, scroll down to the Meetings field of the entry and double-click or click on “Edit”. This takes you to the Meetings Information Page. Scroll down, and select the year you would like to view, and double-click it or hit “Edit”.
Add/Edit New Organization
How do I enter a New Organization?
- Always make sure the organization is not already in the TxMET system by doing a key word search.
- If the organization is not found, select “Add” from the bottom of the TxMET Index page.
- Enter all the required fields for the organization’s contact information.
- Do not use punctuation (i.e. Mr.) or abbreviations.
- Do not forget to enter the URL (organization’s website).
- Enter information in proper case (capital and lowercase)
- Enter all fields that are required.
- After all required fields are filled in; click on “Create Organization”.
- The information is sent to the Buffer for TxMET Administration to review, an e-mail will be sent to you as soon as the organization is approved and added to the system. Once you receive approval notification, proceed to adding meeting, booking or history details.
Please note that your entry is not automatically entered into the system. It passes through a quality checkpoint, called the Buffer. The TxMET Administrator reviews the information that you have entered and will either accept the data or will discard it, which is only done if the record is a duplicate.
How can I edit the Organization information?
You will see an “Edit” key at the bottom of the organization information page. Click on this key, and edit the necessary fields. If you are editing the organization’s name, please write the former name in the notes field. Press “Save Changes” to send it to the Buffer.
How do I know that the new Organization or the Organization edit I have made has been accepted into the system?
You will receive a confirmation email from the TxMET system that will let you know that your organization information has been accepted. You can also do a key word search for it in the TxMET system.
What do I do if the new Organization record I entered has been discarded from the system?
An organization record is discarded for two reasons:
- The organization is already in the system; or
- The organization lacks appropriate information in required fields.
When a record is discarded, you will receive an automatic email alerting you that the information you submitted was discarded. If the organization is already in the system, it is discarded so that TxMet will not have duplicate organization records. You must therefore, enter your new meeting or new history/booking information under the existing organization record.
Add/Edit New Meeting
How do I enter a new Meeting for an organization?
- Do a search for the appropriate organization in the system.
- In the organization information page, select “Add” at the bottom of the screen (in the Meetings field)
- Enter all fields that are required. (Do not put meeting year in meeting name)
- After all required fields are filled in, click on "Create Meeting". This puts the entry in the Buffer for approval.
Please note that your entry is not automatically entered into the system. It passes through a quality checkpoint, called the Buffer. The TxMET Administrator reviews the information that you have entered and will either accept the data or will discard it, which is only done if the record is a duplicate.
Once you receive an approval message, you may add your booking or history information and submit for approval.
How do I edit a meeting record?
At the bottom of Meeting Information page click on “Edit”. Edit the necessary fields. Click “Save Changes” to send it to the Buffer.
Add/Edit Booking
How do I enter a Booking?
- Do a search for the appropriate organization in the system.
- Identify the appropriate meeting in the Meetings field click on “Edit”.
- In the Bookings field, click “Add”.
- Complete all the required fields, and click on “Create Booking”.
Do NOT use commas in the numerical fields (i.e. 1,000 should be 1000).
How do I edit a Booking record?
In the Booking field on the Meeting Information page, choose the appropriate booking dates and click on “Edit”. Make the appropriate edits (date change, status change, adding peak rooms, etc) and click the correct selection (“Save Changes”, or “Save Changes and Return”, or “Convert to History”). Please note that if you are changing the status to delete or incomplete you must provide an explanation in the notes field. Also, DO NOT submit more than one request to delete a booking into the Buffer.
Add/Edit History
How do I enter a History?
- Search for the appropriate organization in the system
- Identify the appropriate meeting in the Meetings field. Click on “Edit”
- Under the History section, click on “Edit”. If you have entered a Booking for this meeting, PLEASE make sure that you are entering the History under the same meeting code by choosing the Booking information entered for your city and clicking the "convert to History" button. This will ensure that you do not get delinquency notices for Histories that you have already entered. Complete all the required fields, and click on “Save Changes and Return”. Do not use any punctuation when entering information (i.e. no commas or periods). For gross square feet and net square feet, please write out the entire number value, with no commas (i.e. 10000).
Please note that your entry is not automatically entered into the system. It passes through a quality checkpoint, called the Buffer. The TxMET Administrator reviews the information that you have entered and will either accept the data or will discard it, which is only done if the record is a duplicate.
How do I edit a History?
Go to the History field and select your History date. Enter the information. Click on “Save Changes” to send it to the Buffer.
Query Builder (aka "Build Report")
What is the Query Builder?
The Query Builder is the feature in TxMET that allows you to view and to download specific information about organizations, meetings, and histories in the database. You set the parameters for the information that you wish to obtain and the Query Builder pulls that information from the database and provides it for you in a specified format. Queries may also be saved for future reference and prospecting.
For example: You could query for a listing of all organizations headquartered in Dallas, “(P) Dallas Organization Headquarters”. Or, you could query for a listing of all meetings that use less than 300 rooms on peak night, “(P)Peak < 300 Rooms”. Or, you might want to query for all meetings held during the month of August “(P) August Meetings”. Or, you might want to query for all meetings that use less than 300 rooms on peak night, meet in the month of August and use less than 10000 square feet of exhibit space ((P) Custom August Meeting < 300 rooms peak and < 10000 sq ft exhibit space).
Each query example is saved for your reference in TxMet and named according to the titles above, in italics.
Which are the best fields to select when building a Query?
The best fields when working in the query builder are those that are required for TxMET subscribers when entering Histories. They are the following:
- Meeting Start/End Dates
- Organization Name/Acronym
- Meeting City/State
- Bureau Name
- Peaked Rooms Reserved
- Peaked Rooms Picked Up
- Headquarter Hotel
- Number of Hotels Used
- Total Room Nights
- Largest Meeting Attendance
What is the difference between the two Query output options?
Printable Web Page –This option will bring up the organizations contact information and information on meeting, history, and booking information. To Print, go to File, and select Print.
Downloadable MS Excel File –You will have both the standard Post Convention Report as well as separate tables with organization, meeting, history and booking information broken down for you. Users must have a version of Microsoft Excel in order to use this history report option, but it gives you the ability to sort, filter, order, etc. based on your preference within MS Excel.
Tips for Building a Query
From the TxMET Index page click on “Build Report"
Section 1: Select an output
From the drop-down menu select Printable Web Page or Downloadable MS Excel File.
Section 2: Conditions
From the drop-down menu select Organization, Meeting, Booking, or History. From there, select the appropriate Field option, then the Condition and Value. By clicking on “Add Another” you can set further conditions on the search.
Press “Submit Query”.
How do I download files from the Query Builder?
Your computer must have the Excel program.
- From the drop-down menu select Downloadable MS Excel File
- From the drop-down menu select Organization, Meeting, Booking, or History. From there select the appropriate Field option, then the Condition and Value.
- Press “Submit Query”. A file download browser will open up. Select either OPEN file or SAVE
Saving to your hard drive:
- Under the list of "Folders/drives," double click on the folder/drive you would like to save the file in on your computer (highly recommended is My Documents for easy retrieval)
- Every new TxMET file is downloaded with the same name (TxMET, your username)
- Double click on the file to open it
How do I save queries for future use?
TxMet now offers you the ability to save your queries. In addition, you can choose to make saved queries:
- Just visible to you
- Visible to your CVB ((B) Public to your Bureau)
- Visible to all TxMet Users ((P) Public to all TxMet)
Saving a Query:
- Once you’ve established the criteria that pulls the information you need, you can save it for future access. The criteria will pull the most up-to-date information each time you “submit query”
- Example – There is a query that is saved publicly for all of TxMet Called “(P) 78701 Associations w/ 1Q Meetings > 200 rooms”, which is looking for:
- Zip code of Organization is 78701
- History shows that peak room pickup is greater than or equal to 200 rooms
- Meetings can occur in 1st Quarter: Jan, Feb, March
- As of September 10, 2014 this yielded 10 organizations, 9 meetings, 27 history records and 0 (future) booking records
- Once the query is done and produces the results you want, you can hit
- “Return to report builder” button to return to the Build Report Screen; click “Save Report”
- Enter the title for the report you would like to save, and make it descriptive, like “78701 Associations w/ 1Q Meetings > 200 rooms”
- Below that, in the dropdown, choose who can see and use this report: You, Your bureau (B) or everyone in TxMet (P).
- Click Save.
Running a Saved Query:
You will be able to run queries you’ve saved as well as those saved by your coworkers as (B) Public to Your Bureau and queries saved by other bureaus as (P) Public to all TxMet. Follow these steps to run a saved query:
- From the Build Report tab, click the “Select Report” Button
- Select the report from the drop down menu
- Hit “Load Report”
- If the criteria shows the information you wish to pull, hit “Submit Query”, and the results will display for you to view/print or to Export if you have Download MS Excel File selected as the output.
- You may also adjust the criteria in the report to more specifically meet your business needs or add additional conditions to produce the data you need.
- Each time you add or adjust the criteria, hit “Submit Query” to make sure you’re on track.
- Once you have a report that pulls the exact criteria you’re searching for, hit “Return to report builder” and hit “Save Report”
- Select a NEW descriptive name for your adjusted report and select who can view it from the dropdown list.
- Hit “Save Report”. This search will be available for future use so you do not have to reselect all the Conditions. Instead, you just select the report from the list of saved reports, “Load Report”, and “Submit Query”!